Payne Park this TNT, 5:30 warm up. A little before 6pm start.
5/18 TNT at Riverview
5/25 TNT at Payne
June we go to mornings, 6:30am. -Locations TBD.
12x400m @ 5k pace or a few sec faster. Recovery is the grass walk back to start.
You can do 6 at 5k pace, then drop the last 6 1-3 seconds faster.
depending how you’re feeling, it’s a much harder wo to do 12 @ 5k pace, and even harder wo to do 12 @ 1-3 sec faster than 5k pace.
You decide what’s good for you. The recovery is short.
For those that don’t want too much speed or too much of a challenge, run the 400’s at 10k pace, and jog across the field. That’s still a good aerobic workout.