Manasota Track Club Racing Series
You must OPT IN to be eligible to earn points for the 2025 racing season. You can sign up anytime of the year. Once enrolled, you will start earning points. If you don’t sign up then you do not get any points.

I love the racing series. Feels like you’re part of a running group that has the same things in common with you.
Rules and Regulations
MTC members can sign up any time of the year. Once enrolled, you will start earning points. Points are not retroactive.
Anyone who participates in this racing series will be placed in their respective age group based on their actual age on January 1, of that year. Whatever your age on January 1 is your Racing Series age group for the ENTIRE year. This rule only applies to the scoring of the racing series. It does not affect any age group awards that are handed out on race day.
You can enter as many of the events as you want, but you must have participated in at least 4 events to place first, second or third in the racing series end of year awards.
To win an end of year racing series award, you must have volunteered at one MTC event during that year. There are many opportunities to volunteer. These include, but not limited to: packet pickups, racing series events, MTC sanctioned events (not included in the series), being a race consultant, hosting a club connect, being on a MTC committee, helping at the summer beach runs or Adopt a Road Cleanups.
If the Overall winner is over 40, then the fastest male/female runner under 40 will receive 8 points instead of 6.
Only MTC members in good standing will be awarded points.
If there is a tie in the final standings, then so be it. There will be no tiebreaker applied.
Current Racing Series point totals will be posted on the MTC website and on the Facebook MTC member page. It is the responsibility of each club member to check their points and report any discrepancies.
Awards will be presented at the annual MTC Awards Banquet in January.
Racing series includes 5 year age groups starting with the 0-19 year olds, Master, Grandmaster, Senior Grandmaster and Veteran Grand Master will be pulled from the age groups and awarded separately. The youth category is not eligible to take overall.
Racing Series Points will be Awarded as follows:
10 points Overall male and female
8 points Master male and female (age 40 to 49)
8 points Grand master male and female (age 50-59)
8 points Senior grand master male and female (age 60-69)
8 points Veteran grand master male and female (age 70-79)
6 points First in age group
4 points Second in age group
3 points Third in age group
2 points completing the race
Racing Series Points will be awarded as follows:
10 pts Overall male and female
8 pts Master male and female (age +40)
8 pts Grand Master male and female (age +50)
8 pts Senior Master male and female (age +60)
8 pts Veteran Master male and female (age +70)
6 pts 1st place in age group
4 pts 2nd place in age group
3 pts 3rd place in age group
2 pts completing the race
New Balance Sarasota will be the sponsor for our Racing Series.
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